2020 has been a busy year for our industry and whilst we would usually be finalising the last details for Christmas festivities or celebrations with clients over a festive tipple, this year it is not to be.
The IAS West Midlands Committee have decided to divert their event planning skills from the usual Christmas party to a worthwhile cause which is the Birmingham City Mission Toy Link appeal. The Toy Link appeal aims to collect donations of new children’s toys, and distribute them to families across the region who have fallen on hard times. The donations help those families give their children the Christmas they have been looking forward to all year and ensure that no child goes without.
The committee are looking for your help with the Toy Link appeal and have arranged for three “drop zones” where you can leave the toys you have bought. In addition to this there will be six half days where you can offer to assist at Birmingham City Mission HQ with wrapping the donations that they receive.
If you would like to assist with either toy donations or to volunteer on a wrap day, please see below drop zones and volunteer slots.
Drop Zones: -
Savills, 55 Colmore Row, Birmingham
Mucklow, 60 Whitehall Road, Halesowen
Goodman, Nelson House, Blythe Valley Park
Wrap days: -
Tuesday 15th December - AM or PM
Wednesday 16th December - AM or PM
Friday 18th December - AM or PM
Alternatively please contact Katie Monks at Katie.monks@savills.com who can discuss with you how you can help.